Sunday, September 15, 2013


CO by Cotton On tee
Zara jeans
Valentino studded heels

Hey guys! I believe this is the first post with my purple/red hair? I've actually had it for over a month, but I guess my posts just haven't caught up to me. Hope you guys have been well!

School has started and I won't be at events as much, but I'm enjoying the challenge of having a million pages to read and digest every week. Might write a post on how to deal/maintain brightly coloured hair for y'all hair-cray people out there. 

I'm obsessing over pointed shoes right now because they just make any outfit that much more sophisticated, and lower height (kitten) heels are actually something I can bend my mind around finally so my feet are happy too! Any nude kitten heels with a nice long pointed head will be perfect to lady up an outfit and turn the boy-ish or otherwise casual look into a more girly one.

Stay good, 
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