Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Those who wander,

Hey guys! Those of you who live in the 'Kong should be pretty familiar (and probably not so impressed) by Cheung Chau by now. But recently I've taken a day trip into CC just to be away from the concrete jungle for a few hours, and surprisingly it was a lot more fun than I thought it would be!

To my advantage, the weather was amazing that day. We headed in around midday after catching the slow ferry on our way there (make sure you head to the rear end or the top deck of the ferry to catch some sea breeze!) and we basically tried our best not to eat everything and enter a food coma... But other than eating we did manage to explore the island for some beautiful sceneries and photo spots.

Things I recommend you should try (to eat): giant fishballs with satay sauce, deep fried fishballs/squid balls/cheese balls (always a queue), local desserts (always involving either sago, mango, fresh fruit or grass jelly), baked oyster with cheese bacon & onions (OMG ORGASMIC?!), some western restaurant that has really good escargot & lamb chops, oh and of course polish off with some chinese herbal tea if you're up for the challenge. When it gets late, somewhere around midnight or so, some food carts will pop up outside the ferry pier so if you're lucky make sure you get some weird variations of sushi, fish meat and cabbage, and of course fish fin soup in a bowl. (They do sound extremely unappetising when in english huh.... but trust me they're yum!)

Even on weekends Cheung Chau isn't all that crowded, so if you're interested in a bit of biking, walking around small streets and alleyways exploring local shops and having some low-end price high-end taste food, then you should definitely give it a go!

Till next time,
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