Saturday, June 29, 2013

Helloabella Hauls #1: H&M Hong Kong

Hey y'all! Check out my new and first ever haul video!! I'm so sorry it's in such bad quality, somehow I'm having trouble transferring the original video from my memory card...

Let me know if you need anymore details on the pieces, and watch out for part deux!

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  1. Nice video! Looks like you got lots of bargains at H&M! I'm a bit scared to walk into their store... I was at Zara the other day (day 2 of their sale) and there was SO many people! Probably the same, if not more, at H&M!

    And I think the quality of your video is fine! Look forward to part 2 - yay! xx

    1. heheh THANKYOUUU :) I know!! I went to the Shatin one and it was craycray. But then I went to the Elements one and it wasn't so bad. I actually got some stuff too!

      For H&M even though it's always crowded in Central/Shatin, it isn't that bad to move through (provided you don't try anything on!) cause I always just take it back for a refund if it doesn't fit. It's always more realistic to try something on at home anyway! haha.



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