Monday, July 29, 2013

Sailor Moon in Fashion?!

Hey guys. Just interrupting with a little bit of fandom mixed with fashion here. I was just googling my hatred for Chibiusa from Sailor Moon to vent, and I came across this Helios & Chibiusa collection by He LIU on tumblr.  

He LIU is a Portuguese fashion brand founded by Hélio Cabrita in 2013, a fashion design student Universidade da Beira Interior. His work was showcased in a fashion show for Master students along with several other outstanding student designers.

Here're some photos of the collection! I love the direct and conceptual influences of Chibiusa & Helios, a couple in the anime and manga series of Sailor Moon.

This is my favourite piece of sure, ready-to-wear, but also ready to turn a few heads!

Check out He LIU's facebook page and an article about Move-up, the fashion show to see the other designers' work. (Remember to google translate the page if you don't speak Portuguese lol)

(Photos c/o He LIU's facebook page)

P.S. Let me know your thoughts or if you're a fan of Sailor Moon (die-hard level not required even though I am) and we can become bffs.

Much love,
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  1. I need this so much xD

    1. I know right!! haha too bad they don't have it in stores!

      Thanks for visiting.


  2. Eeeep! Sailor Moon and fashion! :D I love the outfit in the 3rd picture :3


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