Monday, December 30, 2013

Tis the season to be jolly,

Hey guys! Merry Christmas! Hope you all are having a wonderful holiday season. This I think shall be my last post... of the year! (Did I manage to fool you there? haha) This outfit was taken when I went to Claudie Pierlot's store opening at IFC, I even curled my hair and put on some lippie! (Received some love and hate about this so I'm rather on the fence...)

Jacket, pants, plain black shirt all brandless
Bag from Stradivarius
Dr. Martens Shoes
Watch c/o Guess Watches

Anywho... I wish Blogger would let me upload the HQ pictures, these really aren't doing the pictures any justice at all! Photobucket? Is that better? And I've also started using slightly more often so please check it out!

.... But I digress. I hope you all have a lovely New Year's Eve, and I'll definitely be seeing you on a bigger and better next year!

Much love,

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