Thursday, January 2, 2014

Rooftop Affair at the Pawn,

Hey guys! First post of 2014, and happy new year!! 

I'm doing a quick throwback to last year November, when I attended the Pawn's first ever Rooftop Market! It was an amazing day with loads of amazing food and drinks, plus a great chance for me to discover awesome goodies like Louella Odie's gorgeous bags, Nutcase Fashion's bright, chic and affordable accessories, Portovelo's charity shoes (the new Toms!) and more... 

The photos did most of the talking in this post! The fair was quite crowded, and you could pretty much finish one round of the fair in five minutes... but we stayed for the fantastic food and vibe! Side note, the beer cup they gave me was leaky, so I guess they unintentionally helped me get in the spirit with chugging half a pint!

With that said, I definitely look forward to more outdoor markets  in the future, because well, bit of shopping, bit of drinking and tons of good food is always good no matter the weather!

TGIF guys,
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