Monday, January 13, 2014

Disneyland at Christmas,

Hey guys! Time for a day-out diary. This time I headed to Disneyland on a Sunday and during Christmas attempting to prove that it is in fact possible to enjoy yourself while mingling with half of Hong Kong cramped in one small theme park. But I kid. It wasn't as bad as I thought! Check out what I wore (of course) and more below.

Tip: Did you know that you could ask to take a photo with the gigantic bunch of pretty balloons at D-land? (Hence the hundred of photos on Instagram. and there I was thinking some hopeless romantics could afford all of them)

The person behind the cameras and iPhone doing the dirty work most of the time while I pose in the sun... Thank you for being there for me.

If you haven't been to Disneyland before, make sure you give it a visit! It is the most magical place on the planet earth after all...

Till next time,
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