Saturday, August 17, 2013

POBAI: Juicy Couture FW13 preview

Hey guys! I'm back with another Perks of Being An Intern! This time we'll be checking out (one of my all time fave) Juicy Couture's Fall/Holiday13 collection. *cues confetti and glitter*

Again, this is quite image heavy! But I didn't wanna let you guys miss out all the pretty jewellery and cute school-ready pieces. Without further adoooo, let's go! Don't forget to click on continue reading to see the whole collection.

How cute is this sweater? If only there was a JC school I can go to... Throw it over some denim shorts for a cool autumn day, or wrap yourself up with some woolly scarf and boots for good measures on a cold day.

Seeing some boho vibe going on here, with some slouchy sheer one-piece frocks. Liking it for the style and also that it's not too hot for that transitional weather.

If this doesn't make me feel smart, I don't know what does.

Horray for accessories! As you can see from the proportion of the focus in my photos, you can tell what caught my eyes! JC have always been known for their charm bracelets and timepieces (proud owner right here) and they never disappoint with their seasonal charms and classy designs.

Put some punch in you roar! This cuff is so fierce, yet when in my head, I see someone wearing this with a classy black dress and some sky high stilettos. I think it will balance out the whole outfit and keep the focus on the cuff like it should be.

Phew. That was a lot of exclamation marks. (How do you stop yourself from ending every sentence with one of those?!) Anyway, hope you enjoyed the collection as much as I did! Refined but edgy, kind of rebel-punk but still got that JC glam... That was my impression in one line.

Till next time, have a good weekend!
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